Intensive course for clinicians of surgical and non-surgical specialties, looking to gain or further develop a comprehensive understanding of OSA diagnosis and treatment.
On behalf of the local organizing committee, it is both an honor and a pleasure to announce the convening of the 17th International Meeting of the Mediterranean Society of Otology and Audiology in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from May 14 – 17, 2020.
Herewith we inform you, that traditional conference “ENT news” will be held on 28-29th November, 2019 in Hotel PARK in Novi Sad, Serbia. News in ENT in field of cochlear implantation, voice prostheses, implantable ENT devices, rehabilitation of patients, audiology, news in pulmonology regarding breathing disorders in sleep, diagnostic equipment and news in relationship with patients and hearing aids of the latest generation.
Dnevi za vrtoglavico 2019 je drugo mednarodno strokovno srečanje z delavnicami na temo vrtoglavice in omotice v Sloveniji. Prvi takšen dogodek je bil 7. junija 2018 v Strunjanu. Velika pogostnost teh težav s široko paleto možnih diagnoz z različnih področij medicine (od psihiatrije, nevrologije, otorinolaringologije, interne medicine, fizikalne medicine, medicine dela, prometa in športa…), številne novosti pri njihovi prepoznavi in zdravljenj v zadnjih letih kot tudi potreba po stalnem izpopolnjevanju znanja zdravnikov narekujejo takšna srečanja.